Creating a cleaning schedule can keep all of the equipment and surfaces in your facility looking like new. You probably have a number of different surfaces and equipment throughout your business made from different materials. From glass LED screens on computers, tablets, phones, and other electronics, to steel handles and appliances to vinyl that make up your gym equipment and tables.
But lack of cleaning can cause them to become contaminated with germs and begin collecting dust and dirt. This happens when people enter your facility and come into direct contact with surfaces by touching them, sweating on them, sitting on them, and even coughing and sneezing on them.
To make sure everything stays spotless, safe and in great condition, you’ll need to create a cleaning plan that tackles germs and grime head-on. Developing a solid strategy can also make cleaning easier and protect people from getting sick.
It is true that cleaning is necessary for the overall success of your business, but it also plays a big role in how customers will view your brand and if they will do business with you. Check out these interesting responses and statistics from a 2017 Consumer Cleaning Insights survey released by P&G Professional:
- “How clean and fresh a hotel, restaurant, salon or office is what matters most for 92 percent of consumers when deciding if they will become a repeat customer.”
- “91 percent of those surveyed agree that they are more likely to have an overall negative opinion of an independent business if the public spaces (lounges, restrooms or lobbies) are not clean.”
- “96 percent of respondents agree they would ask to be moved to a new hotel room if the bedding was not clean.”
- “If a restaurant’s restrooms are not clean, 88 percent of customers wonder about the safety of the food being served.”
- “95 percent of consumers agree that cleanliness can elevate a good business into a great business.”
- “92 percent agree that if a restaurant is clean they are more likely to recommend it to friends.”
- “Nearly 74 percent say they are more willing to overlook slow service if the business is noticeably clean.”
Maintaining a noticeably clean business also pays in ways you might not realize. When you neglect to regularly clean items like keyboards or treadmills, they can become full of debris and result in malfunction. When this happens, the machine needs to be replaced entirely, wasting your precious budget dollars.
Despite that though, keeping your facility clean leaves a positive impression on everyone who visits – which should be the goal. People will respect the hard work you do to keep your space sparkling clean.
There are several ways a cleaning schedule can help you keep your facility in tip-top shape. Here are three of them.
Cleaning schedules ensure all surfaces, equipment, and areas get cleaned consistently.
Developing a cleaning schedule ensures all surfaces, equipment, and high-traffic areas get cleaned consistently. It gives you a clear and measurable way to share expectations and instructions with your employees or your cleaning crew. A cleaning schedule sets your entire organization up for success because it’s a plan that details exactly how to keep every surface clean, free of germs, and functioning optimally.
A cleaning schedule simplifies the process and makes it easier for team members and crews.
Developing a cleaning schedule simplifies the process and makes it easier for everyone involved to complete cleaning tasks. Instead of trying to guess or figure out what was cleaned and when, you have a resource that organizes and documents this important information.
By assigning tasks and responsibilities, it becomes clear and easy to understand who is responsible for what and saves your team a lot of frustration. A cleaning schedule keeps you organized and “in the know” so you can quickly understand what’s happening in your facility.
A cleaning schedule creates structure.
Developing a cleaning schedule creates a cleaning structure. Processes and protocols are very important to help set up best practices that are safe. A cleaning schedule can help clarify what to use and what not to use. For example, some cleaners should never be mixed together, and without clear communication, this could easily happen by mistake.
It also helps clarify what products should be used on different surfaces. You don’t want someone cleaning a delicate surface like a treadmill touchscreen or a marble sink with an abrasive cleaner that could cause erosion or damage.
It can be intimidating to get started but creating a cleaning schedule can be easy and even fun. Here’s a step-by-step Q&A guide to creating a cleaning schedule for your facility or business.
What are all of the cleaning tasks that need to be completed? List out everything that should be cleaned in your facility, from high-touch areas that will require daily attention, to more maintenance-like tasks that can be done once or twice a year. You can also break this down by room or area, such as conference rooms, kitchens, break rooms, restrooms, etc.
How often do you need to clean? Based on your facility type or the area, you may need to clean, sanitize or disinfect more often. Here are some examples:
- 100+ people per day will require you to several times a week.
- <100 will require you to clean fewer times a week.
- Healthcare settings require consistent daily cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection.
- Fitness centers require daily cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection.
- Food areas require daily cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection.
- Bathrooms require daily disinfection because of bodily fluids.
Set standards for when you will be cleaning. Will you clean after a layer of dust is visible? Will you disinfect as soon as blood has come into contact with a surface? Also, what day will cleaning occur?
Consider if the task needs to happen:
- Daily
- Once a week
- After blood, vomit or bodily fluids come into contact with a surfaces
- When someone spills something
- After a layer of dust is visible
- After someone visibly sick has visited the facility or touched something
- On a schedule according to manufacturer instructions
Determine what products will you use for each area and each task. Will you use wipes or liquid cleaners and cloths or towels? What specific product will be used for the cleaning task? The following products are common:
- Ready-to-use disinfectant wipes
- Liquids or powder cleaners and their appropriate mixing tools and containers
- Mixing solutions
- Towels and cloths
- Safety equipment for mixing cleaners – gloves, goggles, face masks
Determine when they will be used and in what manner will they be used:
- To kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi that can cause sickness and infection
- To remove dust
- To disinfect after contact with bodily fluids
- To remove oil or grease
- To condition or polish wood
- To preserve the life and functionality of equipment
Delegating cleaning responsibilities to your staff should also be apart of your cleaning schedule. Who will do what? Consider doing the following:
- Assigning tasks to appropriate personnel on your staff or on your cleaning crew
- Hiring a cleaning agency
- Determining who will be responsible for completing specific cleaning tasks
- Clearly communicate cleaning responsibilities to all parties and create a tracking system
If you run a business or facility, you want to find ways to make your job easier, to keep people safe, and to keep your space tidy and appealing to your staff and your visitors. You know that the cleanliness of your building is a priority.
But, there are a few things that can make cleaning a challenge. Unclear expectations, not having a plan or system, and not understanding how or how often to clean can stop the best-intended manager from taking action and keeping their facility in pristine condition.
The good news is that there is a way to easily see consistent results in the form of a clean, safe, and appealing space – you need a cleaning schedule. They’re easy to create, easy to implement, and easy to track. Use this step-by-step guide to create yours today and start reaping the reward of happier customers and happier employees.