Exposure to many germs is the downside to having many members and guests frequent your fitness center. Since dozens or even hundreds of people may use your treadmills, weights, and equipment daily, they can unintentionally bring illnesses to your facility and leave pathogens on your equipment if you don’t disinfect it properly after use.
According to Fitrated, when they gathered bacteria samples from 27 different pieces of equipment at three different gyms, they found more than 1 million colony-forming units dwelling on the surfaces. Bacteria that caused skin infections such as MRSA or ringworm were the most common, accounting for 41% of all bacteria found.
“Gym germs” can devastate a business, especially if they infect multiple people – which could turn into an outbreak. For example, when a large U.S. based fitness chain experienced a nationwide Legionnaires’ disease outbreak, hundreds of memberships were canceled or lost. This is an example of how germs are bad news for your bottom line.
One study showed exercise bikes had over 1.3 million colony-forming units per square inch. In the same study, free weights had 1.1 million colony-forming units per square inch. Lastly, 60% of leg press machines tested had Aerococcus spp., a bacteria notorious for sparking UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections).
There are some pieces of equipment and surfaces that tend to harbor a higher concentration of pathogens and microorganisms than others. It’s a good idea to disinfect the following pieces of equipment regularly with a disinfectant such as GymWipes® Antibacterial Fast 4 disinfecting towelettes.
- Weight Benches
- Leg Press Machines
- Yoga Mats
- Free Weights
- Exercise Bikes
Germs are everywhere, but they are more concentrated in certain areas. In general, germs spread in a number of ways including people sneezing, coughing and touching surfaces. However, in a fitness center, bacteria is often spread through skin-to-skin contact and bodily fluids such as sweat, blood, and saliva.
Members with existing infections, or open sores or wounds, can transmit germs. Contaminated objects guests bring in — like keys, cell phones, watches, water bottles, and duffle bags — can also spread germs.
Here are the most common bacteria, viruses, and fungi that live in clubs, rec centers, and fitness facilities:

Athlete’s Foot
Known to medical professionals as tinea pedis, this persistent infection is caused by different types of fungi including Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, and Microsporum. It causes itching, scaling, cracking, and redness on feet. Up to 15% of the population may be infected with Athlete’s Foot each year, with cases being higher in men and older adults. The fungi that cause Athlete’s Foot can be found near swimming pools, in locker rooms, on exercises mats, and any place where people walk barefoot.
Staphylococcus Aureus (Staph)
This gym germ is one of the most dangerous strains of Staph bacteria. People unlucky enough to acquire this infection experience long-term recurrent boils, cellulitis, folliculitis, carbuncles, and even pneumonia and sepsis. Millions of people people get Staph infections each year and some of them die from it. The bacteria spreads by skin-to-skin contact or from skin to surfaces, which means it can reside on exercise bikes, free weights, exercise mats, and other surfaces that touch the skin.
Ringworm is a fungal infection which first appears as a large, scaly ring-shaped circle on the arms, legs, or buttocks. It then develops into a full-blown itchy rash that can only be cured with an antifungal medication over several weeks. It thrives in moist, wet environments like gym facilities. Over 3 million people catch ringworm each year because it spreads very easily through contaminated surfaces and skin-to-skin contact. The fungal spores of Ringworm can live 12 months or more if they aren’t eliminated with a proper disinfectant first.
The Common Cold
The common cold, caused by a strain of virus named rhinovirus, is one of the most common viral infections people get. Over 3 million people acquire the common cold each year and it spreads a number of ways. Airborne respiratory droplets, skin-to-skin contact, saliva, and touching a contaminated surface are common methods. Alarmingly, a large percentage of equipment in a health center can be contaminated with rhinovirus at one time. Unless equipment and surfaces are properly disinfected, this virus can survive on hard surfaces for up to seven days.
If you own an athletic or fitness facility, you are probably well aware of how contagious and dangerous MRSA is. MRSA is caused by Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and is extremely difficult to treat. Roughly 90,000 people suffer from this infection each year. Nicknamed “the superbug”, the conditions are right for MRSA to spread easily in athletic facilities. Fitness centers and health clubs harbor MRSA most specifically in their locker rooms and on shared equipment.
Light cleaning and tidying aren’t enough to kill illness-causing bacteria and pathogens. To kill these germs on surfaces and equipment, regular disinfecting is needed. Of course your staff should be trained on cleaning and disinfecting protocols of your entire facility, and should follow a regular schedule. Having the right products on hand, like EPA registered disinfecting wipes and FDA approved hand sanitizer wipes, will help keep your facility safer and healthier for members, employees, and anyone who visits.
Unlike sprays and towels, sanitizing and disinfectant wipes don’t require the mixing or pouring of chemical liquids. 90% of gym members said they prefer wipes to sprays and towels.
Since your equipment is just as important as cleanliness, make sure you’re not using harsh or corrosive chemicals like bleach or alcohol to clean equipment. Using products that contain these elements can destroy your surfaces by causing rust, discoloration, and cracking. Consider using higher quality QUAT-based sanitizers or disinfectants that are safer for surfaces such as rubber, vinyl, and steel.
Make it a habit to encourage members to use disinfecting wipes and towelettes to clean equipment after use and to wash and sanitize their hands so they can do their part in helping keep your fitness facility clean and healthy for everyone. Be sure to have employees and team members wipe down equipment throughout the day to keep machines and surfaces welcoming and safe. And for proper disinfection leave surfaces wet for the dwell time indicated on the disinfectant label.