According to a Statista survey, 84% of travelers say hotel cleanliness ranks as one of the most important factors they consider when deciding to book a hotel room. Hotel cleaning is essential to not only attracting new guests but retaining existing guests and customer satisfaction as well. Tables covered in dust, stained upholstery or carpet, and other dirt is the last thing guests want to see when they arrive for their stay. A less than pristine environment can result in negative online reviews, bad brand perception and canceled or decreased reservations … all factoring into lost revenue.

The Significance of Hotel Cleaning
In hotels, many people share the same surfaces, objects, and areas each day, which allows germs to spread easily. One study indicated that hotel elevator buttons have nearly 40 times more bacteria than a toilet seat, and a whopping 81% of surfaces in more than 100 hotel rooms tested positive for fecal bacteria during an inspection. Infections guests could acquire in hotel rooms might include MRSA, Staph, influenza, a cold, or norovirus (stomach flu).
Brand reputation and perception are also affected by hotel cleanliness. Online reviews can be brutal and the last thing you want is for your hotel to be described as dirty by guests. 96% of travelers take reviews into consideration when booking a hotel, so you want to make sure that reviews and shared experiences are positive. Simply put, cleanliness is a non-negotiable factor that customers expect when visiting any hotel or lodging establishment.
Hotel Cleaning Hotspots
Although it is important to keep all areas of a hotel room clean and tidy, certain commonly-touched surfaces are known have higher measurable levels of bacteria. Surfaces in a hotel that would be considered “high-touch” include elevator buttons, light switches, TV remotes, telephones, toilet handles, door knobs, countertops and desks. Bathrooms can also have high numbers of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Hotel Cleaning Tips
Wipe Surfaces Regularly
Use a premoistened wipe to remove spills, dust, dirt, fingerprints, and other forms of grime from surfaces. Focus on tables, counters, and desks. To remove or kill bacteria on hotspots and other hard, non-porous surfaces, use an EPA Registered disinfecting towelette like FORCE2® Disinfecting Wipes. (always check the label for specific pathogens killed and the dwell time required to kill them).
Disinfect High Touch Surfaces Weekly
Disinfect high touch surfaces to kill dangerous bacteria, viruses, and fungi that can infect guests and staff. Use a disinfecting towelette to kill germs on fitness equipment, remotes, light switches, door handles, elevator buttons, the front desk, keyboards, handrails, touchscreens/touchpads, in eating areas such as bars and restaurants, and more. These surfaces have multiple people touching them each day and have the highest concentration of bacteria. Disinfect them at least once a week or once every few days.
Clean Windows Daily
Clean windows to remove smudges, dirt, fingerprints and grime buildup. Windows are one of the first things guests notice, so you want to keep them sparkling clean. Clean your windows at least once a week. Spot clean each day as needed.
Sweep and Vacuum Daily
Sweep and vacuum carpets regularly to remove debris and particles. With dozens of guests venturing in and out of your facility, it’s not uncommon for things to be dropped. Routine sweeping and vacuuming keep floors free from hair strands, pieces of dirt, sand, and other things.
Deep Clean Carpet, Upholstery and Other Soft Surfaces Often
Deep clean carpet, upholstery and other soft surfaces. These items play a key role in the appearance of your facility. No guest is going to want to sit on a dirty, stained couch or chair, let alone walk on a filthy carpet. Schedule deep cleanings to remove deep stains like accumulated dirt, wine, coffee, makeup, and more. Don’t forget to have floors deep cleaned too!
Hotel Cleaning Options
There are a few options that can help keep your hotel clean. You can delegate tasks to staff members and provide them with a schedule, or you can hire an outside cleaning agency to handle cleaning tasks for you. When assigning cleaning tasks to employees, be sure to train them on sanitation procedures. They should know how often they need to be cleaning, sanitizing, or disinfecting surfaces, what chemicals or products to use, and the risks associated with not cleaning them. A hotel cleaning service should well-versed in all functions. Although it may cut into your operations and maintenance costs, it can save time and make hotel cleaning easier. Regardless of the method you choose, it’s important to create and implement a regular cleaning schedule to ensure all rooms and areas are cleaned as needed.
Hotel Cleaning Is The Secret To Success
Keeping your hotel germ-free, dirt-free, and spotless has a big impact on your hotel’s bottom line. In addition to the great service and accommodations your facility already provides guests, a clean hotel completes their experience with you. Current guests will rebook with you, refer you to friends and family, and give positive reviews, all of which increases revenue.