Yoga has become one of the fastest-growing wellness industries in the last decade. Currently about 36 million Americans practice yoga regularly. With more people using yoga mats, it’s important to know how to clean the ones in your studio or fitness center. Disinfected mats help prevent germs from spreading and members from getting sick.
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Why Yoga Mats Are Bacteria Hotspots
The many health benefits of yoga include increased flexibility, improved respiratory function, cardiovascular health, and a boost in energy. But yoga mats and studios are also a place where guests can become infected with MRSA, Staph, ringworm, athlete’s foot, and other infections. It’s important to clean yoga mats as they have been found to have a very high level of bacteria in gyms, studios, and fitness centers. Individuals often do yoga with bare feet, which is how bacteria, viruses, and fungi can be transmitted from person to person.
Infections Acquired From Germy Yoga Mats
Sweat also collects on yoga mat surfaces, which is one way germs can spread. Infections that can be passed through someone’s sweat include herpes, impetigo, the flu, and the common cold. It is strongly recommended to wipe down and disinfect yoga mats after each use, but many yoga instructors and gym owners admit to not cleaning their mat after every session.
Why Bacteria Can Multiply on Yoga Mats
Most yoga mats are porous surfaces which allow bacteria to dwell and flourish. The pockets, holes, and crevices yoga and exercise mats are made of are favorite hiding places for pathogens. If the mat is not properly disinfected, these germs can be spread to the skin of a member, infecting them. Plus, the warm and moist environment of yoga studios, fitness centers, and gyms create the perfect opportunity for microorganisms to multiply.
Plantar warts and athlete’s foot can also spread from yoga mats. Both personal and communal mats require routine cleaning and disinfecting to prevent the spread of germs.
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Why Clean Yoga Mats
Killing and removing germs are not the only reasons why you should be cleaning your yoga mat. Many people sharing and using the same mat also leaves musty and stale odors behind. Odors build up over time from a mixture of sweat, lotions, oils, perfumes and more that are on your members’ skin. When all of those smells come together, it can certainly emit an unpleasant odor. Smelly yoga mats is a obvious indication of unsanitary conditions which can reflect poorly on your business. If your studio or gym is described as dirty or smelly, it can result in membership cancellations, bad online reviews, and a drop in new members or visitors. For most studios and gyms, lost customers and a lack of new customers means less revenue and profit.
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The Challenges of Cleaning Yoga Mats
Although yoga mats are flat, there are several challenges to cleaning them. The materials many mats are made of — vinyl, rubber, foam, and synthetic fabrics — are very delicate. Using the wrong product, chemical or method to clean them can result in damage. Corrosion, discoloration, and disintegration can happen if you use the wrong product or method. The many crevices and grooves of yoga mats make them difficult to properly clean and disinfect.
So how do you clean yoga mats?

5 Ways To Clean Yoga Mats
These tips will help you effectively clean, sanitize and disinfect your yoga mats. Use them for mats made of all kinds of materials including rubber, vinyl, foam, and others. It is recommended that you clean yoga mats after every use to keep bacteria from spreading.
Premoistened Towelettes
Premoistened sanitizing and disinfectant wipes are a convenient way to clean yoga mats while killing bacteria and germs that live on them. Wipe your mat completely, making sure to wipe all the crevices and grooves of your yoga mat for a complete clean. Allow the mat to dry for up to 5 minutes after wiping. If you are using a disinfectant wipe, remember the mat must stay wet for for the dwell time on the label for the disinfectant to kill the listed pathogens. Steer clear of wipes that contain bleach, hydrogen peroxide, or alcohol. These chemicals can damage your yoga mat over time.
Put Them In The Laundry
Check your instructional manual which outlines how to care for your yoga mat. Some are able to be put in the washing machine. If your yoga mats are able to be laundered, use a gentle and natural detergent to remove dirt and grime from them. Set the temperature to cold and use the delicate cycle to ensure the yoga mat does not tear. When done, let it air dry.
Soak And Scrub Them In The Tub
Fill a tub with water and add a disinfecting or cleaning solution, then allow your yoga mats to soak in it. This allows the pores of the material to be fully saturated, meaning the hard to clean grooves and crevices will be taken care of. Use a brush to gently remove dirt and grime. When done, let it air dry.
Cleaning Solution and Spray Bottle
Purchase or make your own cleaning solution and use it to clean your yoga mats. Use a spray bottle to saturate the yoga mat then use a microfiber cloth to wipe away the solution. When done, let air dry.
Hose Them Down
A final solution to cleaning your yoga mat would be to use a water hose to quickly saturate and clean your yoga mat. Apply a cleaning solution to the mat and allow it to mix with the water in order to remove dirt and grime. Spray the mat until the cleaning solution has been fully washed away from the mat. An indication of this is the disappearance of bubbles or suds. When done, let air dry.
The Importance of Clean Yoga Mats
Cleanliness and sanitation are crucial when it comes to operating a successful yoga studio or gym. Dirty and grimy yoga mats are a surefire way to lose customers and make a bad impression. Prevent this from happening by using the tips listed above to keep yoga mats clean and sanitized.